Returning the Favor and other Slices of Life

Returning the Favor
Returning the Favor
Now Available on Smashwords for Kindle and other ebook readers!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Fuck self-censoring. Some folks have recently raised questions about outing yourself as a blogger, and what if THE MAN reads your shit? Some folks with monstrous penile appendages even had their blogs stifled because their bosses read their shit.

I have cooler bosses. Both my immediate manager, my immediate supervisees and the president of our company know that I blog here, and have at least on occassion stopped by to check it out. So I don't really blog about work here. It helps that I work in the entertainment industry, which was largely founded on eight-balls and quarter bags, so the concepts of propriety are somewhat more lax than in other fields, but we're a pretty big company within our industry, and we weren't founded on quarter bags and eight-balls, more like a corned beef sandwich (go to our company's website and read the history of the company to understand that one), so I don't really talk about this little slice of heaven to other folks in the business outside our company, so's they don't get the wrong idea and all.

Although I'm not sure what that wrong idea would be? Do I sometimes think my job sucks ass? Of course I do. Most days I think my job is pretty cool, and they pay me well, so I keep showing up and selling a shitload of stuff for them. It's an arrangement that's worked well so far, and I see no reason it won't continue to work that way (until I hit the mother-luvin' Powerball, bitches, then I'm gone!).

But I guess I do self-censor, more out of a sense that I could hurt someone's feelings (and then have to listen to them whine) than out of fear for my job. So I don't write everything in the world here, which helps me keep it at least somewhat of a poker blog, rather than going off on every wild-arsed tangent that leaps into my addled head. So I guess that's my take on being "out" as a blogger at work. I am, but most of the folks at the office could give two shits about poker, so they don't usually come here to visit. And if they do, well, hi.

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