Returning the Favor and other Slices of Life

Returning the Favor
Returning the Favor
Now Available on Smashwords for Kindle and other ebook readers!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sick Again - and STONED

I don't know what the fuck was in those pills the Dr. gave me, but I am f'd upright now. I have bronchitis, I am at work (don't ask), I feel like ass, and I'm too stoned to drive home so I might as well stay at work.

Laughing Wild opens tomorrow night - the show that I've made myself ill working on. The lights look pretty good, not as good as I'd hoped, but I lost the first day of hang & focus to set shit not being done, so I didn't have all the time to work that I needed. We did put up 4 color scrollers in the theatre, though, which adds a lot to our flexibility - lots more pretty colors. So I'm pretty pleased with it overall.

Registered for the Charlie tournament on Pokerstars this Sunday. All proceeds go to Charlie's family - go SIGN UP NOW!

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